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5 Reasons for Infertility: Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

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Reasons for Infertility: Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

Infertility is an emotionally challenging journey for many couples. It is necessary to understand the reasons behind infertility because this acts as an initial step toward seeking appropriate help and treatments. Identifying the specific cause of infertility is helpful in developing an effective treatment plan.

A Couple should undergo thorough fertility evaluation which includes medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Here we are going to tell you about the common factors which are the reasons behind infertility.

1. Irregular Ovulation

Lack of ovulation may lead to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, amenorrhea, premature ovarian failure, and other ovulatory disorders can also impact fertility. In PCOS, ovaries may develop small cysts which may lead to hormonal imbalances that can affect ovulation. The good part is even with irregular periods, there are chances of getting pregnant. By consulting an IVF specialists in Lucknow you can conceive a baby through infertility treatment.

On the other side, Anovulation may also cause infertility. Anovulation happens when an egg doesn’t get released from your ovary during the menstrual cycle. In case of irregular periods, you can seek advice from your doctor who can help you in resolving this problem and provide you with the right treatment.

Thyroid issues can also affect the timeliness of menstrual cycles. Fibroids, diabetes, and endometriosis are also some reasons for irregular periods in many females.

2. Blockage in Fallopian Tube

In fallopian tube, fertilisation process takes place but this process would not take place if your fallopian tubes are blocked. Pelvic infection or endometriosis can cause major damage to the fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause inflammations and scarring of fallopian tubes which can lead to obstruction of the tubes that reduces the chances of fertilisation. Whereas in endometriosis, tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus which decreases the chances of fertility.

3. Age Factor

The quality of eggs starts degrading with age which results in infertility. More than 30 years of age can affect a woman’s chance to conceive a healthy baby. Miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, stillbirth, and defects in babies may occur in your baby due to the poor quality of egg. Not only this, but pregnancy complications also increase with your age. In many studies, it is found that younger women have more and healthier eggs than older women.

4. Uterine Abnormalities

Conditions which affect the uterus, such as uterine fibroids, polyps, and structural abnormalities can cause interference with embryo implantation or its development. It can also contribute to a higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth of a baby. The abnormal shape of uterus (T-shaped uterus, a bicornuate uterus, uterine septum) may increase the risk of miscarriage.

In a few cases, despite thorough analysis and evaluation, the specific cause of infertility remains unknown which also includes various factors like hormonal imbalances or undiscovered genetic factors which contribute to unexplained infertility.

Also Read – When Should You Consult with an Infertility Specialist?

5. Male Factor Infertility

The production of sperm and the quality of sperm may hamper the fertilisation process. Too little sperm ejaculation might make it more difficult to conceive a baby because only a few sperms are available to fertilise the egg. Poor quality of sperm and abnormal sperm structure can also act as a barrier in the fertilisation process.

Factors such as lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, genetic conditions, age, excessive consumption of alcohol, or smoking can impact male fertility. It is essential to maintain a healthy diet and prevent yourself from STIs such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, etc which cause infertility in men. By limiting the number of sexual partners and always using a condom for sex can help you protect against STIs.

You should consult a doctor if you have been unable to conceive a baby and are facing erection problems, low sex drive, pain or discomfort, scrotum surgery, swelling in testicle areas, discomfort while having sex, or any other problems with sexual function.

With the help of IVF specialists in Lucknow, an infertile couple can conceive a healthy baby. IVF specialists can easily guide you about the treatment and let you know about the reason behind infertility. Urvara Fertility Centre is among the Top 5 IVF Centers in Lucknow which provides top healthcare facilities to their patients and supports them in the journey of parenthood.

Remember that, early diagnosis of infertility can increase the chances of successful pregnancy. Infertility involves open communication and support from infertility specialists who professionally guide you during the track of conceiving a baby.

Also Read – Tips To Increase the Chance of Your IVF Success Rate

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